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Showing posts with label CLI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CLI. Show all posts

Saturday, November 7, 2020

CLI handling and RIM for NR

 Rel-14 NR study showed that duplexing flexibility with cross-link interference mitigation shows better user throughput compared to static UL/DL operation or dynamic UL/DL operation without interference mitigation in indoor hotspot (4GHz and 30GHz) and urban macro scenarios (4GHz and 2GHz). Furthermore, semi-static and/or dynamic DL/UL resource assignments should also consider coexistence issues particularly among different operators where tight coordination are challenged. For efficient coexistence, not only coexistence requirements need to be understood but also advanced mechanisms to mitigate interference such as TRP-to-TRP measurement and adaptation based on measurements should be considered. The Rel-16 Work Item Cross Link Interference (CLI) handling to support flexible resource adaptation for unpaired NR cells achieves the following objectives:

              CLI measurements and reporting at a UE (i.e., CLI-RSSI and SRS-RSRP), and network coordination mechanism(s) (i.e., exchange of intended DL/UL configuration) are developed.

              Perform coexistence study to identify conditions of coexistence among different operators in adjacent channels is accomplished.

In NR deployment on lower TDD frequency, the impact of the troposphere bending will continue existing if no special mechanisms are introduced. In the RIM SI, the frameworks for mechanisms for gNBs to start and terminate the transmission/detection of reference signal(s), the functionalities and requirements of the corresponding RS(s) as well as the design of the RS(s), and the backhaul-based coordination mechanisms among gNBs have been studied. It is recommended to specify RIM RS(s) to support identifying remote interference related information, it is also recommended to specify the inter-set RIM backhaul signalling via the core network for backhaul-based solution. The Rel-16 Work Item Remote Interference Management (RIM) to deal with mitigation of the remote interference caused by gNBs achieves the following objectives:

 RIM RS resource and configurations, and the inter-set RIM backhaul signalling via the core network to convey the messages of “RIM-RS detected” and “RIM-RS disappeared are developed.

 Corresponding OAM functions to support RIM operation is identified.


CLI handling

Once different TDD UL/DL configurations are applied among neighboring cells, UL transmission from a UE in a cell causes interference to DL reception of some other UEs in the rest of the neighboring cells. The interference is referred as inter-cell UE-to-UE cross link interference (CLI). To mitigate an inter-cell UE-to-UE CLI, gNBs can exchange and coordinate the intended TDD UL/DL configuration over Xn and F1 interfaces. Taking into account the exchanged information, a gNB may decide the transmission and reception pattern in order to avoid CLI to neighboring cell or from neighboring cell.

For CLI handling, two types of CLI measurements and reporting (i.e., CLI-Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) measurement and SRS-Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) measurement) are specified. For CLI-RSSI measurement, the victim UE measures the total received power over configured CLI-RSSI measurement resource. For SRS-RSRP measurement, the victim UE measures the RSRP over configured SRS resource(s) which is/are transmitted from one or multiple aggressor UE(s). Then, Layer 3 filtering can be applied to the measurement result for both CLI-RSSI measurement and SRS-RSRP measurement. For measurement result reporting for both CLI-RSSI measurement and SRS-RSRP measurement, event triggered and periodic reporting are supported. Furthermore, CLI measurement and reporting can be configured for NR cells in multi-carrier option.

Semi-static and/or dynamic DL/UL resource assignment causes interferers between networks on adjacent channels. It has been tasked to investigate the adjacent channel co-existence effects arising when CLI, or more generically dynamic TDD is operated in an aggressor network. The technical report captures a description of the adjacent channel interference effects that arise with dynamic TDD as well as a simulation investigation of adjacent channel interference in a number of different deployment scenarios.


Due to the atmospheric ducting phenomenon, the DL signals of an aggressor cell in unpaired spectrum can interfere with the UL signals of a victim cell in the same unpaired spectrum bandwidth that is far away from the aggressor cell. Such interference is termed as remote interference. A remote interference scenario may involve a number of victim and aggressor cells, where the gNBs may execute Remote Interference Management (RIM) coordination on behalf of their respective cells.

To mitigate remote interference, RIM frameworks for coordination between victim and aggressor gNBs are specified. The coordination communication in RIM frameworks can be wireless- or backhaul-based. In both frameworks, all gNBs in a victim set can simultaneously transmit an identical RIM reference signal carrying the victim set ID over the air.

In the wireless framework, RIM-RS (RIM reference signal) type 1 and RIM-RS type 2 are specified. Upon reception of the RIM reference signal (RIM-RS type 1) from the victim set, aggressor gNBs undertake RIM measurement, and may send back a RIM reference signal (RIM-RS type 2) carrying the aggressor set ID if configured, and may undertake interference mitigation actions. The RIM reference signal (RIM-RS type 2) sent by the aggressor is able to facilitate estimation whether the atmospheric ducting phenomenon between victim and aggressor sets exists.

In the RIM backhaul framework, upon reception of the RIM reference signal (RIM-RS type 1) from the victim set, aggressor gNBs undertake RIM measurement, establish backhaul coordination towards the victim gNB set. The backhaul messages which carry the detection or disappearance indication are aggregated at gNB-CU via F1 interface and sent from individual aggressor gNBs to individual victim gNBs via NG interface, where the signalling is transparent to the core network.