A Blog dedicated to Declutter 3GPP specifications

Showing posts with label NR-U. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NR-U. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

NR-U Control plane (Candidates)

 Note: NR-Unlicensed is still in the study phase with barely any work done on the TS. It is expected that by 2022 (so Release 18) we may see some specification for the 6GHz band in Europe. As of now, only potential candidates for NR-U implementation can be guessed. 

RLM/RLF and mobility

For non-standalone NR-U deployments, connected mode mobility is supported on licensed spectrum using the baseline mobility procedure specified for the concerned licensed radio access technology (LTE or NR).

For standalone NR-U deployments, the following mobility scenarios shall be supported:

-    Inter-cell handover between NR-U and NR-U;

-    Inter-cell handover between NR-U and NR.

In addition, the following mobility scenarios shall be supported based on the mobility between NR-U and NR and and the mobility between NR and (e)LTE, however further optimizations to this scenarios will be considered possibly with lower priority:

-    Inter-RAT handover between NR-U and LTE connected to EPC;

-    Inter-RAT handover between NR-U and LTE connected to 5GC.

For connected mode mobility, the main issue identified for NR operation in unlicensed band is the reduced transmission opportunities for different signalings due to LBT failure.

The following modifications to mobility-related procedures have been identified as beneficial to study:

-    Modifications to mobility-related measurements considering limitations to the transmission of reference signals due to LBT. NR-U needs to consider techniques to handle reduced RS (e.g. SS/PBCH block and CSI-RS) transmission opportunities due to LBT failure.

-    Modifications to mobility-related measurements and/or triggers considering limitations related to high channel occupancy. NR-U needs to consider techniques to handle increased interference levels in the unlicensed channel for mobility-related decisions.

-    Modifications to mobility-related procedures and/or triggers considering limitations related to the transmission of control plane signalling due to LBT. NR-U needs to consider whether NR-U specific techniques to handle additional signaling delays due to LBT failure are required, if not resolved by general mobility enhancement solutions [RP-181433].

Potential modifications to the measurement reporting quantities, to the measurement reporting triggers and to the condition used by the UE when delaying the time at which it applies a reconfiguration for mobility that are based at least on channel occupancy and RSSI should be studied.

For RRM, RLM, and mobility procedures, NR licensed specification in Rel-15 are considered as a baseline for NR-U. However, changes to these due to new physical layer design and LBT for the unlicensed operation can be introduced. These will support both synchronous and, except for LAA case, asynchronous deployments.

The RRM and RLM framework for NR-U will also support multiple beam operation. The measurement of multiple beams in NR-U will use the framework in TS 38.300 Section 9.2.4 as a baseline and the measurement model captured in Figure 9.2.4-1 is also applicable for NR-U.

For UE measurements, it is assumed that recurring transmissions of SSB/PBCH and RMSI will be available with possibly reduced opportunities due to LBT. The NR licensed measurement framework (cell and beam quality derivation for RSRP, RSRQ, and SINR, filtering and combining multiple beams) is used as a baseline. The handling of missing measurements due to LBT are expected to be captured at physical layer specifications.

In addition to the existing measurement quantities, channel occupancy and RSSI, similar to adopted for LTE LAA, are considered useful.

In unlicensed spectrum, multiple PLMNs from different operators can share the same channel and coordination between different operators may not happen. This may cause PCI collisions or confusion. As one possible solution, the gNBs can scan different frequencies to identify the PCIs of neighbour cells and use this information in setting the PCIs of their own cells in order to avoid PCI collisions. In addition, ANR can be used, as in NR licensed, to detect and solve PCI collision and confusion.


Since System Information (SI) transmissions will be subject to LBT, it is beneficial to add more transmission opportunities in time domain for SI transmission, e.g. by configuring a longer SI window.

If there is need to have multiple SI messages then with existing NR design, different SI messages require separate LBT procedures. It may be beneficial not to require multiple LBTs for different SI messages to increase the success probability of the transmission.

In response to a RAN2 LS requesting study of system level aspects of NR-U, SA2 has discussed this topic and concluded as follows:

-    Based on SA2 analysis, only system impact identified specifically for NR-U is the need for introducing RAT type for NR-U, if desired, for "subscription based access restriction", policy and charging purpose.

-    If a non-public network operator wants to leverage NR-U, Network Identification & Network selection aspects for operators with no globally unique PLMN ID are already being addressed within FS_Vertical_LAN study ongoing in SA2. Thus NR-U is not resulting in additional system impacts work.

-    The same impact identified for 5GS applies also for EPS. SA2 understanding is that for NR-U in EPS it is only for NR-U as secondary RAT (ENDC case) following similar approach in terms of subscription based access restriction, policy and charging as LAA/LWA. As such, similar solution can be adopted as the one that already exists in EPS.

Based on the SA2 analysis and response, there is no impact to RAN for the possible changes to 5GS and EPS for NR-U. The support for "subscription based access restriction", policy and charging is contained to CN signalling and the support for non-public operator network identification will not result in additional work specific to NR-U.


  1. NR-U Inactive and Idle procedures (Candidates)
  2. NR-U Layer 2 (Candidates)

  3. NR-U Physical layer channel designs(Candidates)

  4. NR-U Physical Frame structure (Candidates)

  5. NR-U Channel Access Schemes (Candidates)

NR-U Layer 2 (Candidates)

 Note: NR-Unlicensed is still in the study phase with barely any work done on the TS. It is expected that by 2022 (so Release 18) we may see some specification for the 6GHz band in Europe. As of now, only potential candidates for NR-U implementation can be guessed. 

RACH (4-step, 2-step)

Both 4-step and 2-step RACH will be supported for NR-U. Here 2-step RACH refers to the procedure which can complete contention-based RACH (CBRA) in two steps as explained below. One additional benefit of 2-step RACH is due to less LBT impact with the reduced number of messages. However, in order to alleviate the impact of LBT failures further, additional opportunities for the RACH messages may be introduced, e.g. in time or frequency domain, for both 4-step and 2-step RACH.  The additional opportunities for 4-step RACH will be applicable to both msg1 and msg3.

NR-U will support contention-free RACH (CFRA) and CBRA for both 2-step and 4-step RACH. On SCells, CFRA is supported as a baseline while both CBRA and CFRA are supported on SpCells.

For 4-step RACH, the messages in time order are named as msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4 and for 2-step RACH, they are named msgA and msgB.

A single RACH procedure will be used and thus multiple RACH procedures in parallel will not be supported for NR-U.As a baseline, the random-access response to msg1 will be on SpCell and msg3 is assumed to use a predetermined HARQ ID.

In legacy RACH, the counters for preamble transmission and power ramping are increased with every attempt. In NR-U, power ramping is not applied when preamble is not transmitted due to LBT failure. This will require an indication from the physical layer to the MAC. In addition, ra-ResponseWindow is not started when the preamble is not transmitted due to LBT failure.

It is assumed that ra-ContentionResolutionTimer may need to be extended with larger values to overcome the LBT impact.

For 2-step RACH, the msgA is a signal to detect the UE and a payload while the second message is for contention resolution for CBRA with a possible payload. msgA will at least include the equivalent information which is transmitted in msg3 for 4-step RACH.

As a baseline, all the triggers for 4-step RACH are also applicable to 2-step RACH; however further analysis is needed on SI request and BFR as well as how timing advance and grants can be obtained for msgA.

The contention resolution in 2-step RACH will be performed by including a UE identifier in the first message which is echoed in the second message. The type of UE identifier(s) is FFS.

Fall-back from 2-step RACH to 4-step RACH will be supported. The fallback after msgA transmission is feasible only if detection of the UE without the decoding of the payload is possible and thus relies on such support at the physical layer.

If 2-step RACH is used for initial access, the parameters for 2-step RACH procedure including resources for msgA will be broadcasted.

NOTE: 2-step RACH if applied to licensed operation would not take into account LBT.

 MAC (except RACH)

For scheduling request (SR), a prohibit timer as in NR licensed can be used. However, this should not prevent the UE from attempting to transmit an SR again if the triggered SR was not transmitted due to LBT failure.


For channel access and transmissions in NR-U the mechanisms and associated signaling adopted by LTE LAA (e.g. standardized QCI to access priority mapping for DL and UL, how access priority per logical channel is determined for scheduled UL and AUL transmissions etc) are used as the baseline. Any changes due to new physical layer design and channel access mechanisms for NR-U (e.g. introduction of PRACH, support of FBE) can also be introduced.

In addition, access priority for control signaling (transmissions over SRBs) over unlicensed carriers should be introduced for stand-alone and DC NR-U. In this case, it is assumed that control signaling will have the highest access priority.


  1. NR-U Inactive and Idle procedures (Candidates)
  2. NR-U Control plane (Candidates)

  3. NR-U Physical layer channel designs(Candidates)

  4. NR-U Physical Frame structure (Candidates)

  5. NR-U Channel Access Schemes (Candidates)

NR-U Physical layer channel designs(Candidates)

 For physical layer channel design, NR design will be used as baseline, and the following potential design changes are to be studied to support the following channels/signals in NR-U.




-    PRACH

-    DL and UL reference signals applicable to the operational frequency range

For SS/PBCH block transmission, extended CP is not supported for NR-U operation.

For PSS/SSS/PBCH transmission, NR-U should have a signal that contains at least SS/PBCH block burst set transmission. The design of this signal should consider the following characteristics specific to unlicensed band operation:

-    There are no gaps within the time span the signal is transmitted at least within a beam

-    The occupied channel bandwidth is satisfied (although this may not be a requirement)

-    Strive to minimize the channel occupancy time of the signal

-    Characteristics that may facilitate fast channel access

Inclusion of the CSI-RS and RMSI-CORESET(s)+PDSCH(s) (carrying RMSI) associated with SS/PBCH block(s) in addition to the SS/PBCH burst set in one contiguous burst (referred to as the NR-U DRS) can be beneficial for

-    Meeting OCB requirement

-    Compacting signals in time domain to limit the required number of channel access and for short channel occupancy

-    Support of stand-alone NR-U deployments

-    Support of automatic neighbour relations (ANR) functionality in an NR-U deployment

-    Resolution of PCI confusion in an NR-U deployment

The transmission of additional signals such as OSI and paging within the NR-U DRS is allowed and can be beneficial.

Support of Pattern 1 is recommended for multiplexing of SS/PBCH block(s) and CORESET(s)#0 in NR-U, where Pattern 1 is understood as CORESET#0 and an SS/PBCH block occuring in different time instances, and the CORESET#0 bandwidth overlaping with the transmission bandwidth of the SS/PBCH block.

As one element to facilitate a NR-U DRS design without gaps in the time domain, the CORESET#0 configuration(s) and/or Type0-PDCCH common search space configuration(s) may need enhancements compared to NR Rel-15, such as additional time domain configurations of the common search space(s).

The detection of a gNB's transmission burst by the UE has been studied, and concerns on the UE power consumption required for Tx burst detection e.g. if the UE needs to frequently detect/monitor the PDCCH have been raised. The proposals that have been made by contributions regarding these topics include existing NR signal(s) with potential enhancement(s), a channel such as PDCCH with potential enhancement(s), and the 802.11a/802.11ax preamble with potential enhancement(s); consensus was not achieved on any of these proposals. The detection/decoding reliability of each of the proposals has not been sufficiently evaluated for a complete evaluation of the proposals against each other. The power consumption and detection/decoding complexity of each of the proposals have not been sufficiently evaluated for a complete evaluation of the proposals against each other. The relation of a proposal with C-DRX and/or measurement gap(s) may need further consideration when specifications are being developed.

Compared to NR Rel-15, it has been identified to be beneficial if the time domain instances in which the UE is expected to receive PDCCH can change dynamically, e.g. by implicit determination related to the gNB's COT, or explicitly signalled by the gNB.

For UL waveform for PUSCH, PUCCH, and PRACH, it has been identified that an interlaced waveform can have benefits in some scenarios including link budget limited cases with given PSD constraint, and as one option to efficiently meet the occupied channel bandwidth requirement.

On the other hand, it is RAN1's understanding that the temporal allowance of not meeting occupied channel bandwidth by regulation can be exploited if the minimum bandwidth requirement, e.g., 2 MHz, is satisfied. Therefore, a waveform contiguous in frequency may be adequate in some scenarios, which implies that Release 15 NR contiguous allocation designs can be used for NR-U as well.

Support for Rel-15 NR PUSCH can be considered. However, it has been identified that block-interlaced based PUSCH can be beneficial.

Support for Rel-15 NR PUCCH formats can be considered, however, not necessarily all Release 15 NR PUCCH formats are applicable to NR-U. It has been identified that legacy PUCCH formats PF2 and PF3 are beneficial for NR-U for the scenario of contiguous allocations due to the fact that they may be configured with bandwidth that meets the minimum temporal allowance of 2 MHz (12/6/3 PRBs for 15/30/60 kHz SCS). It has been identified that legacy PUCCH formats PF0/1/4 are not well-suited for NR-U for the scenario of contiguous allocations since they support only single PRB.

When new block interlace waveform for PUCCH is to be defined, it is beneficial to use the same block interlace structure for PUCCH and PUSCH.

It has been identified that enhancement of one or more legacy PUCCH formats is feasible to support block interlaced PUCCH transmission. There is consensus that enhanced PUCCH with both short and long duration is beneficial for NR-U; however, no consensus has been achieved about which legacy PUCCH format(s) should be the starting point for an enhanced PUCCH design. Some sources suggest introducing just one or two new enhanced PUCCH formats, while other sources suggest enhancing all or almost all legacy PUCCH formats (PF0,1,2,3,4). Regardless of which format(s) is(are) chosen as a starting point for enhancement, the following common aspects have been identified as important to consider in the detailed design of the enhanced PUCCH format(s) when specifications are developed:

-    Flexible number of OFDM symbols

-     Short duration, e.g., 1 or 2 OFDM symbols

-     Long duration, e.g., 4 – 14 OFDM symbols

-    Flexible UCI payload

-     Small payload, e.g., 1 or 2 bit

-     Larger payloads, e.g., > 2 bits

-    Coding of UCI payload, e.g.,

-     Extend legacy (NR Rel-15) PUCCH encoder to handle small payloads

-     Repetition of coded UCI bits across PRBs of an interlace

-     UCI Codebits over all PRBs, i.e. no repetition coding.

-    Number of supported PUCCH formats

-    Support for user multiplexing of both UCI payload and DMRS on an interlace, e.g.,

-     OCCs

-     Cyclic shifts

-     FDM within an interlace

-    Multiplexing method of UCI payload and DMRS, e.g,

-     TDM

-     FDM

-    Mechanism to control PAPR, e.g.,

-     OCC cycling

-     Bit level processing

-     PRB level processing

-     Sequence hopping

-    PUCCH waveform, e.g.,

-     CP-OFDM

-     DFT-s-OFDM

-    Performance, e.g.,

-     Required SNR to achieve a target BLER

-     Required SNR to achieve target ACK to NACK rate, NACK to ACK rate and DTX to ACK rate

-     Coverage considering CM/PAPR


Support for Rel-15 NR PRACH formats can be considered, however, not necessarily all Release 15 NR PRACH formats are applicable to NR-U. It is RAN1's understanding that certain formats do not meet the minimum bandwidth requirement by regulation. Exclusion of the support of certain formats is to be identified.

It is identified that interlaced based PRACH can be beneficial.

It has been identified that enhancement of one or more legacy PRACH formats is feasible for NR-U. Four potential design alternatives, including no interlacing, have been identified for the frequency mapping of PRACH sequences for NR-U, where consensus on which one(s) to support for NR-U has not yet been achieved:

-    Alt-1: Uniform PRB-level interlace mapping

-     In this approach a PRACH sequence for a particular PRACH occasion is mapped to all of  the PRBs of one or more of the interlaces in the PRB-based block interlace structure. Within a PRB, either all or a subset of REs are used. Different PRACH occasions are defined using an orthogonal set of PRBs, or an orthogonal set of REs within the PRBs, from one or more same/different interlaces.

-     It has been identified that a uniform mapping (equal spacing of PRBs) in the frequency domain produces a zero-autocorrelation zone, of which the duration is inversely proportional to the frequency spacing between the PRBs.

-    Alt-2: Non-uniform PRB-level interlace mapping

-     In this approach a PRACH sequence for a particular PRACH occasion is mapped to some or all of  the PRBs of one or more of the interlaces in the same PRB-based block interlace structure used for PUSCH/PUCCH. Within a PRB, either all or a subset of REs are used. Different PRACH occasions are defined using an orthogonal set of PRBs, or an orthogonal set of REs within the PRBs, from one or more same/different interlaces.

-     It has been identified that an irregular mapping (non-equal spacing of PRBs/REs) in the frequency domain reduces the false peaks in the PRACH preamble auto-correlation function.

-    Alt-3: Uniform RE-level interlace mapping

-     In this approach, a PRACH sequence for a particular PRACH occasion consists of a "comb-like" mapping in the frequency domain with equal spacing between all used REs. Different PRACH occasions are defined by way of different comb offsets.

-     Since this approach does not fit with the common PUSCH/PUCCH interlace structure, one source suggests that only TDM multiplexing of PUSCH/PUCCH and PRACH should be supported. Another source suggests that puncturing/rate matching PUSCH/PUCCH around the used PRACH REs may be used.

-    Alt-4: Non-interlaced mapping

-     In this approach, a PRACH sequence for a particular PRACH occasion is mapped to a number of contiguous PRBs, same or similar to NR Rel-15.

-     Some sources propose that to fulfill the minimum OCB requirement, that the PRACH sequence is mapped to a set of contiguous PRBs, and the PRACH sequence mapping is repeated across the frequency domain, potentially with guard RE(s)/PRB(s) between repetitions. For each repetition, a different cyclic shift or different base sequence may or may not be applied.

It has been identified that the long PRACH sequence length defined in NR Rel-15 (L = 839) is not beneficial for NR-U, since PRACH formats based on this length are tailored toward large cells not expected in an NR-U deployment. However, when it comes to shorter sequence lengths, some sources propose reusing the short sequence length (L = 139) defined in NR-Rel-15, whereas other sources propose defining new sequence lengths depending on which of the 4 alternatives above is supported.

It has been identified that the following common design attributes need to be considered in the detailed design of an interlaced PRACH waveform for 4-step random access for NR-U when specifications are developed:

-    Multiplexing of PRACH and PUSCH/PUCCH, considering block interlaced structure used for PUSCH/PUCCH, e.g.,

-     FDM

-     TDM

-    Supported PRACH sequence and PRACH sequence length(s)

-    PRACH capacity

-     Number of PRACH preambles per cell

-     Number of root sequences

-     Number of cyclic shifts

-     Number of PRACH occasions

-    Maximum supported Tx power

-    PAPR/CM

-    Number of PRACH formats

-    Simulation assumptions for evaluation of performance, e.g.,

-     Single vs. multi-cell assumptions

-    Performance metrics

-     Timing estimation error

-     Miss-detection probability

-     False-detection probability

-     False-alarm probability

For scenarios in which a block-interlaced waveform is used for PUCCH/PUSCH, it has been identified that from FDM-based user-multiplexing standpoint it can be beneficial to have UL channels on a common interlace structure, at least for PUSCH, PUCCH, associated DMRS, and potentially PRACH

On the other hand, for scenarios in which a contiguous allocation for PUSCH and PUCCH is used, it is beneficial to use contiguous resource allocation for PRACH

For scenarios in which a block-interlaced waveform is used for UL transmission, a PRB-based block-interlace design has been identified as beneficial at least for 15 and 30 kHz SCS, and potentially for 60 kHz SCS. One identified benefit is better link budget with given PSD constraint. However, it has been observed that power boosting gains decrease with increasing SCS. Another identified benefit is as one option to efficiently meet the occupied channel bandwidth requirement. Compared with sub-PRB interlace design, the PRB-based block-interlace design has comparatively less specification impact.

For sub-PRB block interlace designs, in some scenarios, sub-PRB block interlacing can be beneficial in terms of power boosting. However, the sub-PRB block interlace design has at least the following specification impacts: Reference signal design (e.g., DMRS); Channel estimation aspects; Resource allocation.

Both PRB and sub-PRB interlacing for 60 kHz have been studied. For sub-PRB interlacing the following aspects have been considered:

-    Power boosting potential depending on resource allocation size

-    PUSCH DMRS configuration aspects

-    Channel estimation performance

-    Number of REs per interlace unit

It has been identified as beneficial to support a block-interlaced structure in which the number of interlaces (M) decreases with increasing SCS, and the nominal number of PRBs per interlace (N) is similar for each SCS (in a given bandwidth) at least for 15 and 30 kHz SCS, and potentially 60 kHz depending on supported interlace design.

From a RAN1 perspective it has been identified that supporting a non-uniform interlace structure in which the number of PRBs per interlace is allowed to be different for different interlaces is beneficial from a spectrum utilization point of view. It is up to RAN4 to investigate whether or not the non-uniform interlace structure has an impact on MPR/A-MPR requirements for PUSCH.

Within a 20 MHz bandwidth, the following candidate PRB-based interlace designs have been identified where M is the number of interlaces and N is the number of PRBs per interlace in a 20 MHz bandwidth. Where two values are listed for N, it means that some interlaces have one more PRB than others (non-uniform interlace design)

For carriers with bandwidth larger than 20 MHz, two candidate interlace designs have been identified:

-    Alt-1: Same interlace spacing for all interlaces regardless of carrier BW. This alternative uses Point A as a reference for the interlace definition

-    Alt-2: Interlacing defined on a sub-band (20 MHz) basis. (Note: Possible interlace spacing discontinuity at edges of sub-band).

Additional candidates have been identified, but consensus has not been achieved, e.g., (1) for carriers with bandwidth larger than 20 MHz, retain the same number of PRBs per interlace (N) for all interlaces regardless of carrier BW; (2) Partial interlace allocation. Detailed design can be further discussed when specifications are developed taking RF aspects into account.

It has been identified that support of different numerology candidates at least has the following specification impacts:

-    For PRB-based block-interlace design for 15, 30, and 60 kHz SCS, the following spec impacts have been identified: Number of interlaces and number of PRBs per interlace need to be defined; the resource allocation mechanism needs to be defined; channel estimation aspects need to be considered, such as impact on PRG. In addition to the above impact, for sub-PRB-based block-interlace design for 60 kHz SCS, reference signal design (such as DMRS) needs to be revisited and alternative resource allocation mechanism is needed.

-    For NR-U DRS design for 15 and 30 kHz SCS, the SS/PBCH block time domain pattern is already supported in Rel-15. For 60 kHz SCS, there is no SS/PBCH block time domain pattern defined in Rel-15. SS/PBCH block to CORESET configuration tables (38.213 Section 13) need to be defined as well.

-    For PRACH design for 15, 30, and 60 kHz SCS, signalling mechanism of RACH configuration indicating PRACH numerology may need modification to support more than two numerologies for PRACH for NR-U.

It has been identified as beneficial for NR-U to introduce additional flexibility in configuring/triggering SRS compared to NR Rel-15. The following candidate enhancements have been discussed; design details can be further discussed when specifications are developed:

-    Additional OFDM symbol locations for an SRS resource within a slot other than the last 6 symbols

-    Interlaced waveform

-    Additional flexibility in frequency domain configuration

It may be beneficial to apply restrictions on the use of DFT-s-OFDM in NR-U to avoid significant design efforts specific to operation in unlicensed spectrum.


  1. NR-U Inactive and Idle procedures (Candidates)
  2. NR-U Control plane (Candidates)

  3. NR-U Layer 2 (Candidates)

  4. NR-U Physical Frame structure (Candidates)

  5. NR-U Channel Access Schemes (Candidates)

NR-U Physical Frame structure (Candidates)

NR-Unlicensed is still in the study phase with barely any work done on the TS. It is expected that by 2022 (so Release 18) we may see some specification for the 6GHz band in Europe. As of now, only potential candidates for NR-U implementation can be guessed. 

Physical layer aspects

NR-U supports both Type-A and Type-B mapping already supported in NR.

Initial active DL/UL BWP is approximately 20MHz for 5GHz band, though the final value will be quantized to number of PRBs. Initial active DL/UL BWP is approximately 20MHz for 6GHz band if similar channelization as 5GHz band is used for 6GHz band.

Frame structure

Single and multiple DL to UL and UL to DL switching points within a shared gNB COT is identified to be beneficial and can be supported.

For NR-U DL operation, it is identified that being able to operate all DL signal/channels with the same numerology for a carrier and at least for intra-band CA on serving cells on unlicensed bands has at least the following benefits (at least for standalone operation)

-    Lower implementation complexity (e.g., a single FFT, no switching gaps)

-    Lower specification impact

-    No need for gaps for measurements on frequencies with a configured serving cell in unlicensed bands

For NR-U UL operation, it is identified that being able to operate all UL signal/channels (except PRACH) with the same numerology for a carrier and at least for intra-band CA on serving cells on unlicensed bands has at least the following benefits:

-    Lower implementation complexity (e.g., a single FFT, no switching gaps)

-    Lower specification impact

-    Common interlace structure

-    No need for gaps for transmission of SRS on a configured serving cell in unlicensed bands

For unlicensed PCell, the UE assumes single SSB numerology per band.

It has been identified to be beneficial for the NR-U design to not require the gNB to change a pre-determined TBS for a PDSCH transmission depending on the LBT outcome, at least when the PDSCH is transmitted at the beginning of the gNB's COT.

The following options have been identified as possible candidates for PDSCH transmission in the partial slot at least for the first PDSCH(s) transmitted in the DL transmission burst. The options are not mutually exclusive.

-    Option 1: PDSCH(s) as in Rel-15 NR

-    Option 2: Punctured PDSCH depending on LBT outcome

-    Option 3: PDSCH mapping type B with durations other than 2/4/7 symbols

-    Option 4: PDSCH across slot boundary

In addition to the functionalities provided by DCI format 2_0 in Rel-15 NR, indication of the COT structure in the time domain has been identified as being beneficial.

It has been identified to be beneficial for the NR-U design to not require the UE to change a granted TBS for a PUSCH transmission depending on the LBT outcome.

The following options have been identified as possible candidate at least for the first PUSCH(s) transmitted in the UL transmission burst.

-    Option 1: PUSCH(s) as in Rel-15 NR

-    Option 2: Multiple starting positions in one or multiple slot(s) are allowed for PUSCH(s) scheduled by a single UL grant (i.e., not a configured grant) and one of the multiple PUSCH starting positions can be decided depending on LBT outcome.

For above options, the ending position of the PUSCH is fixed as indicated by the UL grant.


It has been identified that FBE operation for the scenario where it is guaranteed that LBE nodes are absent on a long term basis (e.g., by level of regulation) and FBE gNBs are synchronized can achieve the following: Ability to use frequency reuse factor 1; Lower complexity for channel access due to lack of necessity to perform random backoff.

It is noted that this does not imply that LBE does not have benefits in similar scenarios although there are differences between the two modes of operation. It is also noted that FBE may also have some disadvantages compared to other modes of operation such as LBE, e.g., a fixed overhead for idle time during a frame.

For wideband operation for both DL and UL,

-    Bandwidth larger than 20 MHz can be supported with multiple serving cells.

-    NR-U should support that a serving cell can be configured with bandwidth larger than 20 MHz.

For DL operation, the following options for BWP-based operation within a carrier with bandwidth larger than 20 MHz can be considered.

-    Option 1a: Multiple BWPs configured, multiple BWPs activated, transmission of PDSCH on one or more BWPs

-    Option 1b: Multiple BWPs configured, multiple BWPs activated, transmission of PDSCH on single BWP

-    Option 2: Multiple BWPs can be configured, single BWP activated, gNB transmits PDSCH on a single BWP if CCA is successful at gNB for the whole BWP

-    Option 3: Multiple BWPs can be configured, single BWP activated, gNB transmits PDSCH on parts or whole of single BWP where CCA is successful at gNB

For UL operation, the following options for BWP-based operation within a carrier with bandwidth larger than 20 MHz can be considered.

-    Option 1a: Multiple BWPs configured, multiple BWPs activated, transmission of PUSCH on one or more BWPs

-    Option 1b: Multiple BWPs configured, multiple BWPs activated, transmission of PUSCH on single BWP

-    Option 2: Multiple BWPs can be configured, single BWP activated, UE transmits PUSCH on a single BWP if CCA is successful at UE for the whole BWP

-    Option 3: Multiple BWPs can be configured, single BWP activated, UE transmits PUSCH on parts or whole of single BWP where CCA is successful at UE

CCA is declared to be successful or not in multiples of 20 MHz.


  1. NR-U Inactive and Idle procedures (Candidates)
  2. NR-U Control plane (Candidates)

  3. NR-U Layer 2 (Candidates)

  4. NR-U Physical layer channel designs(Candidates)

  5. NR-U Channel Access Schemes (Candidates)

NR-U Channel Access Schemes (Candidates)

 Note: NR-Unlicensed is still in the study phase with barely any work done on the TS. It is expected that by 2022 (so Release 18) we may see some specification for the 6GHz band in Europe. As of now, only potential candidates for NR-U implementation can be guessed. 

The channel access candidate schemes for NR-based access for unlicensed spectrum can be classified into the following categories:

-    Category 1: Immediate transmission after a short switching gap

 -     This is used for a transmitter to immediately transmit after a switching gap inside a COT.

-     The switching gap from reception to transmission is to accommodate the transceiver turnaround time and is no longer than 16 µs.

-    Category 2: LBT without random back-off

-     The duration of time that the channel is sensed to be idle before the transmitting entity transmits is deterministic.

-    Category 3: LBT with random back-off with a contention window of fixed size

-     The LBT procedure has the following procedure as one of its components. The transmitting entity draws a random number N within a contention window. The size of the contention window is specified by the minimum and maximum value of N. The size of the contention window is fixed. The random number N is used in the LBT procedure to determine the duration of time that the channel is sensed to be idle before the transmitting entity transmits on the channel.

-    Category 4: LBT with random back-off with a contention window of variable size

-     The LBT procedure has the following as one of its components. The transmitting entity draws a random number N within a contention window. The size of contention window is specified by the minimum and maximum value of N. The transmitting entity can vary the size of the contention window when drawing the random number N. The random number N is used in the LBT procedure to determine the duration of time that the channel is sensed to be idle before the transmitting entity transmits on the channel.

For different transmissions in a COT and different channels/signals to be transmitted, different categories of channel access schemes can be used.


  1. NR-U Inactive and Idle procedures (Candidates)
  2. NR-U Control plane (Candidates)

  3. NR-U Layer 2 (Candidates)

  4. NR-U Physical layer channel designs(Candidates)

  5. NR-U Physical Frame structure (Candidates)

Sunday, November 22, 2020

NR-U Inactive and Idle procedures (Candidates)

Note: NR-Unlicensed is still in the study phase with barely any work done on the TS. It is expected that by 2022 (so Release 18) we may see some specification for the 6GHz band in Europe. As of now, only potential candidates for NR-U implementation can be guessed. 

Inactive and Idle procedures (Candidates)

For Inactive and Idle mode procedures, Rel-15 NR design is considered as the baseline and as such, NR licensed measurement framework (cell and beam quality derivation for RSRP, RSRQ, and SINR, filtering and combining multiple beams) is also used as the baseline.

The UE measurements in Idle/Inactive mode will mostly assume recurring transmissions of SSB/PBCH and RMSI but possibly with reduced opportunities due to LBT.

In unlicensed bands, multiple PLMNs can use the same carriers without any coordination. Therefore, the best cell found by a UE on a frequency may not belong the registered PLMN. In this case, the UE can be enabled to camp on a non-best cell on a carrier if the best cell does not belong to the registered PLMN (or E-PLMN), where the non-best cell would still be the best cell of the registered PLMN.

For paging, it may be beneficial to introduce more opportunities per DRX cycle for the UE to receive the page. The additional locations can be provided in time domain by configuring an extended paging occasion (i.e. a paging window) or configuring multiple paging occasions to a UE. In any specified solution(s) based on additional paging opportunities, the UE power consumption will also be taken into account, so it would be beneficial that the paging occasions are transmitted in close time to or overlap with the reference signals.

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