A Blog dedicated to Declutter 3GPP specifications

Showing posts with label Release 17. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Release 17. Show all posts

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Lawful Interception in Release 17

Release 17 will, in addition to enhancements to the LI service based on 3GPP Release 17 new and enhanced capabilities, complete transition to new set onwards set of LI specifications detailed below. 

Enhancements to TS 33.126 will address LI Service Stage 1 requirements. Enhancements to TS 33.107 and TS 33.127 will address LI Architectures and LI functions, LI stage 2. And TS 33.108 and TS 33.128 will address LI stage 3 aspects.

R17 will complete the transition from legacy LI specifications TS 33.107 and TS 33.108 to TS 33.127 and TS 33.128. During R17, a number of features including 4G LTE will be considered for migration into TS 33.127 & TS 33.128 from TS 33.107 & TS 33.108.

However, only minor changes to 33.107 and 33.108 expected.

In addition, LI security requirements in TS 33.127 will be enhanced.



Description of change

Target completion plenary#

TS 33.107

R17 maintenance of LI architecture and stage 2 functional requirements.

TSG-SA #89


TS 33.108

R17 maintenance of LI stage 3 aspects supporting new and enhanced LI architecture elements added to TS 33.107

TSG-SA #90


TS 33.126

Addition of LI R17 stage 1 requirements.

TSG-SA #88 6/2020

TS 33.127

Addition of LI R17 Stage 2 architecture and functionality.

TSG-SA #91


TS 33.128

Addition of LI R17 Stage 3 functionality

TSG-SA #92



Source: SP-190983