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Showing posts with label SON. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SON. Show all posts

Saturday, November 7, 2020

SON and MDT support for NR

SON and MDT features support in NR, includes MRO (Mobility Robustness Optimisation), MLB (Mobility Load Balancing), RACH optimization, MDT (Minimization of Drive Test) and L2 measurements. Specification of these features will help mobile operators reduce the CAPEX/OPEX and improve the use experience.

Also a new TS 38.314: L2 measurements for NR is introduced.

The key functionalities are:

Mobility Robustness Optimisation (MRO) aims at detecting and enabling correction of mobility related problems including Connection failure due to intra-system or inter-system mobility, Inter-system Unnecessary HO and Inter-system HO ping-pong. MRO also provides means to distinguish the above problems from NR coverage related problems and other problems, not related to mobility.

-    Connection failure due to intra-system mobility

-     Intra-system Too Late Handover

-     Intra-system Too Early Handover

-     Intra-system Handover to Wrong Cell

-    Connection failure due to inter-system mobility

-     Inter-system/ Too Late Handover

-     Inter-system/ Too Early Handover

-    Inter-system Unnecessary HO

-    Inter-system Ping-pong

Mobility load balancing (MLB) is to distribute load evenly among cells and among areas of cells, or to transfer part of the traffic from congested cell or from congested areas of cells, or to offload users from one cell, cell area, carrier or RAT to achieve network energy saving.

Intra-RAT and intra-system inter-RAT load balancing scenarios are specified and includes the functions of   Load reporting, Load balancing action based on handovers and Adapting handover and/or reselection configuration.

The load reporting function is executed by exchanging load information over the Xn/X2/F1/E1 interfaces via Resource Status Reporting Initiation & Resource Status Reporting procedures.

The load metrics that have been specified consist of

-    Radio resource usage (per-cell and per SSB area PRB usage: DL/UL GBR PRB usage, DL/UL non-GBR PRB usage, DL/UL total PRB usage, and DL/UL scheduling PDCCH CCE usage);

-    TNL capacity indicator (UL/DL TNL offered capacity and available capacity);

-    Cell Capacity Class value (UL/DL relative capacity indicator);

-    Capacity value (per cell, per SSB area and per slice: UL/DL available capacity);

-    HW capacity indicator (offered throughput and available throughput over E1, percentage utilisation over F1);

-    RRC connections (number of RRC connections, and available RRC Connection Capacity);

-    Number of active UEs.

RACH optimization is supported by UE reported information made available at the NG RAN node and by PRACH parameters exchange between NG RAN nodes.

The functionalities supported over the interfaces consist of

-    PRACH configuration per served cell is signalled from DU to CU and over Xn

-    PRACH configuration of Served Cells over X2

-    RACH report from UE over Uu

-    RACH report from CU to DU over F1

NR MDT takes LTE as baseline and takes NR new features into account, including beam, RRC_INACTIVE and EN-DC.

The following functionalities are specified:

-    MDT network signaling support over S1, X2, NG, Xn, F1 and E1

-    Logged MDT for RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE UEs, support event-trigged or periodic logged MDT

-    Immediate MDT

-    CEF (Connection Establishment Failure) report

-    Resume failure report

-    Immediate MDT for EN-DC

L2 measurements. In this work item, a new spec TS 38.314 was produced to capture the measurements performed by network or the UE that are transferred over the standardised interfaces in order to support NR radio link operations, radio resource management (RRM), network operations and maintenance (OAM), minimization of drive tests (MDT) and self-organising networks (SON).

The specified measurements includes

-    Received Random Access Preambles

-    Packet delay

-    Number of active UEs

-    Number of stored inactive UE contexts

-    UL PDCP Packet Average Delay by the UE