A Blog dedicated to Declutter 3GPP specifications

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Architecture enhancements for 3GPP support of advanced V2X services

Architecture enhancements to the 5G System are specified in TS 23.287 in order to facilitate vehicular communications for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) services, over the following reference points, based on service requirements defined in TS 22.185 and TS 22.186:

- PC5 reference point: NR PC5 RAT, LTE PC5 RAT.

- Uu reference point: NR, E-UTRA.

Interworking between EPS V2X and 5GS V2X is also specified.

The following architectural reference models are specified:

-  5G System architectures for V2X communication over PC5 and Uu reference points

-  5G System architecture for AF-based service parameter provisioning for V2X communications

-  Architecture reference model for interworking with EPS V2X

The various parameters for V2X communications over PC5 and Uu reference points are specified and these parameters may be made available to the UE in following ways:

-  pre-configured in the ME; or

-  configured in the UICC; or

-  preconfigured in the ME and configured in the UICC; or

-  provided/updated by the V2X Application Server via PCF and/or V1 reference point; or

-  provided/updated by the PCF to the UE.

In addition to PCF initiated Policy Provisioning procedure, the UE may perform UE triggered Policy Provisioning procedure to the PCF when the UE determines the V2X Policy/Parameter is invalid (e.g. Policy/Parameter is outdated, missing or invalid).

Regarding V2X communication over PC5 reference point, two types of PC5 reference points exist: the LTE based PC5 reference point as defined in TS 23.285, and the NR based PC5 reference point as defined in TS 23.287. A UE may use either type of PC5 or both for V2X communication depending on the services the UE supports. The V2X communication over PC5 reference point supports roaming and inter-PLMN operations. V2X communication over PC5 reference point is supported when UE is "served by NR or E-UTRA" or when the UE is "not served by NR or E-UTRA".

V2X communication over NR based PC5 reference point supports broadcast mode, groupcast mode and unicast mode. For unicast mode, Layer-2 link establishment, Link identifier update, Layer-2 link release, Layer-2 link modification and Layer-2 link maintenance procedures are specified. Per-Flow PC5 QoS Model is introduced for V2X communication over NR based PC5 reference point.

Architecture enhancements for EPS to support V2X communication over NR PC5 reference point are specified in TS 23.285 [4].

For V2X communication over Uu reference point, only unicast is supported. Latency reduction for V2X message transfer via unicast may be achieved by using various mechanisms, including via e.g., edge computing defined in TS 23.501.

Notification on QoS Sustainability Analytics to the V2X Application Server is specified so that the V2X Application Server may request notifications on QoS Sustainability Analytics for an indicated geographic area and time interval in order to adjust the application behaviour in advance with potential QoS change.

To support V2X applications that can operate with different configurations (e.g. different bitrates or delay requirements), the V2X Application Server, acting as the Application Function, can provide, in addition to the requested level of service requirements, Alternative Service Requirements to the 5G System. This enables the 5G System to act on the Alternative Service Requirements and apply them for the extended NG-RAN notification (i.e. Alternative QoS Profiles are provided from SMF to NG-RAN), as described in TS 23.501 and TS 23.503.

In order to facilitate deployment of dedicated network slice for use of, for example, automotive industry and to facilitate roaming support, a new standardized Slice/Service Type (SST) value dedicated for V2X services, i.e. 4 is defined in TS 23.501.

Security aspects of 3GPP support for advanced V2X services are specified in TS 33.536.

 TS 24.587 and TS 24.588 are new specifications for V2X .


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